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The Entrepreneurial
ScaleUp System

How you overcome the challenges to shape your  7-figure business and beyond
 About Entrepreneurial ScaleUp System 

Drawing on BizSmart’s own research and experiences of working with hundreds of owner-managers, Kevin Brent explores the key reasons why most obusineses do not scale and how the challenges change as they reach different milestones on the ScaleUp Journey.

He then details a practical step by step guide to successfully navigate between the milestones in the form of the Entrepreneurial ScaleUp System - a proven system for you the entrepreneur to cover come your business frustrations and find the freedom you wanted. 
By reading this book and following BizSmart’s system, you will:

  • Understand what it takes to be in the 4% club of business that scale
  • Become a more effective and confident leader
  • Rediscover your passion in your business and be inspired to aim higher
  • Unlock the power of your people and gain more control over your business
  • Increase the productivity and profitability of your business and make sure that you get ‘paid first’!

BizSmart’s programmes are based on decades of experience and the system on which this book is based has recently joined a select group of programmes endorsed by the ScaleUp Institute in the UK.

"Unlock any issue that is preventing you from scaling up"
In Kevin's book you will find the answers to unlock any issue that is preventing you from scaling, together with extremely valuable advice that will put you on the right track to achieving your plan and goals.
Mark Wright - Climb Online
 ScaleUp Club® 
 Scale Your Business With BizSmart® 
 Are you feeling your business is overwhelming and that you don't know what to focus on next? you are not alone.

ScaleUp Club is for you to: Meet - Share Ideas - Collaborate - Learn
It is an exclusive monthly club for business owners to share opportunities, issues, experiences and learn the best solutions.

The aim os to help you and others to grow and build a valuable business.
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Perfect for...

Business owners with 2-3 employees, solo entrepreneurs or the number 2 in your business
ScaleUp Membership Club
Meet, Share, Collaborate, Learn

Our next collaboration event is on:
Tuesday 6th of December 2022

 Critical Numbers

If you are not a member - Book your place HERE!

Smart90 Club®
Do you get to the end of the year and realise that all those goals you set out to achieve are only partially done?

It's time to achieve more in 90 days than other business achieve in a whole year!
Every business should have a 90-day plan that the whole team can get behind, but somehow the day-to-day workload always seems to get in the way.

Our Smart90 quarterly workshops will help you to Stop - Think - Plan the next 90 days, so you keep on track for your annual and long terms goals.

In addition, our Smart90 software allows you to set the plan, track progress and so much more.

Create momentum and have a clear picture of where your business will be in the next 90 days, with a trackable plan in place.

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Perfect for....

All businesses of any size from 1 - 200+ employees
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